Be a disruptorBe a disruptor
August 5, 2013
This is not your mama’s natural products industry. Back in the day, small companies crafted foods and beverages, said what they wanted about them, threw them on co-op shelves, and shoppers bought them. Now the industry has grown up and exploded in size and, just like in the mainstream markets, natural products manufacturers—especially startups—have to claw and fight to get noticed by retailers and consumers.
However, just as the business environment has gotten more complex, consumers are increasingly craving foods and drinks that are simple—real, natural, organic and nothing that takes an instruction manual to understand. So how do you create a brand, message and great product that’ll turn heads but not be too tricky? Branding expert Ted Robb, CEO of InHouse Creative Studios, knows. Listen to his disruptive (hint, hint) advice.
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