CEO Brown Bag Lunch Series: Steve Hughes, CEO of Boulder BrandsCEO Brown Bag Lunch Series: Steve Hughes, CEO of Boulder Brands

April 17, 2015

Millennials are a hot topic these days. They are quickly changing the consumer landscape and many companies are scrambling to keep up with them. For these consumers, it is about self-discovery of brands and products that address their specific personal needs and interests – and the content and quality of the ingredients they will consume. It is personal, it is real and it has fundamentally changed the way brands and preferences are established.

What you'll learn in this webinar with Steve Hughes, co-founder and CEO of Boulder Brands:

  • Why many once dominant legacy brands are in free-fall, desperately searching for a new play-book as they watch their market share and relevance erode.

  • How the companies of the future are the companies that engage earliest and most authentically with millennials.

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