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Dr. Tieraona Low Dog receives New Hope Network's Health AwardDr. Tieraona Low Dog receives New Hope Network's Health Award

Dr. Tieraona Low Dog won the Health Award for her meaningful accomplishments in the areas of human health or nutrition at Natural Products Expo West on March 10.

Fran Schoenwetter, Content Marketing Director, Supply

March 30, 2022

This year, New Hope Network replaced its Hall of Legends Awards with the first Community Purpose and Impact Awards, which recognize people and organizations working to move the natural products industry forward.

New Hope Network's Content Marketing Director Fran Schoenwetter presented the awards on March 10 at Natural Products Expo West. Dr. Tieraona Low Dog won the Health Award for her meaningful accomplishments in the areas of human health or nutrition. After the ceremony, Low Dog, who was an herbalist and a midwife before she earned her medical degree, said, "My patients have been my inspiration my whole journey." Find out how that led her to her career in health education.

In addition to the Health Award, individuals, activists, businesses and organizations are eligible for these honors:

  • Ecosystem Award—For meaningful action to improve, connect or align the purpose-driven natural products industry ecosystem.

  • Justice Award—For significant accomplishments in the areas of food justice, climate justice or healthy food access.

  • Joy Award—For purposeful efforts to bring more joy to the natural products ecosystem or to consumers.

  • Regeneration and Sustainability Award—For consequential activity related to regenerative agriculture, stewardship, sustainability or regenerative business.

  • Prosperity Award—For achieving success while not losing sight of integrity or while being accomplished in the areas of health, joy, justice, sustainability or purpose.

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About the Author

Fran Schoenwetter

Content Marketing Director, Supply, Informa Markets, Health & Nutrition

A strategic communications specialist, Fran has served Natural Products Industry with commitment and passion for decades. Her present role as Content Marketing Director, Supply is a synergy of academic communications credentials and vast market-facing experience in natural products retail, wholesale, brand management, and product formulation. Fran produces content that informs, engages, and provokes new thinking in a world of shifting paradigms, optimizing audience engagement. Her forward thinking content programs have been prestigiously recognized by Folio, including top honors, best B2B Content Marketing. 

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