Inspiration from women in naturals

Denver Lewis, Community and Conference Content Manager

November 14, 2016

14 Slides
Inspiration from women in naturals

At Natural Products Expo, we highlight the power and accomplishments of women in the industry through the Women in Naturals networking event. The W.I.N. networking event is dedicated to women in the natural products industry looking to network and learn from other professionals. Naomi Whittel, CEO of Twinlab, kicked off this year’s event by speaking on the comprehensive benefit of empowering women through mentorship and conscious leadership. Whittel sees conscious leadership as a tool for supporting women and strengthening the natural products industry as a whole. The event was sponsored by Reserveage Nutrition, which was founded by Whittel. 

We also partnered with Sisters Circle, a group dedicated to providing long-term mentor relationships for women in Baltimore, MD. We had attendees write down words of inspiration to send to Sisters Circle to encourage the professional growth and development of their members. This gallery highlights our favorite cards that are worthy of a permanent place in our hearts and on our desks!

About the Author

Denver Lewis

Community and Conference Content Manager, New Hope Network

As Community and Conference Content Manager, Denver is passionate about educating and supporting the growth of early stage natural products brands, strengthening understanding of the investment landscape and providing a platform for storytelling, with a focus on mission-driven business.

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