Where’s the analogue meat market headed? – Fodder podcastWhere’s the analogue meat market headed? – Fodder podcast

Danny O’Malley knew early on that plant-based burgers alone would not feed the desire rising for analogue meat and plant-forward products. In this episode of the Fodder podcast, O’Malley talks consumers, innovation and investment drivers in the plant-based meat market and how it has changed (already) for food business leaders.

Christine Kapperman, Senior Content Director

January 28, 2021

Before the Butcher Fodder podcast

Danny O’Malley saw the future when he hit the streets years ago to educate and sell an innovative new product—Beyond Meat.

The plant-based burger excited his customers, and they wanted more before the analogue had made it to their menus.

Spotting a growth path, O’Malley left the growing company to birth his own, Before the Butcher. The company offers the butcher counter and more in plant-based form: deli slices, grounds, shreds, chunks and tips and, of course, burgers.

In this episode of the Fodder podcast, we chat about:

  • The rise of flexitarians and meat reducers.

  • Who is leading—and buying into—the plant-based meat revolution.

  • Where the plant-based market could grow.

  • Why 2020 will mark a pivotal time in the analogue meat movement.

  • And why the market already is very different for plant-based entrepreneurs today.

“We are still on the tip of the iceberg, where things are going to continue to trickle down in a very, very big way, and will continue to grow this segment of the industry, which is good for all of us,” O’Malley said.

Would he jump in today? Hear what he has to say in this episode of Fodder.

Listen to the Fodder podcast

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This is the Fodder podcast powered by New Hope Network's Esca Bona platform. You can find the Fodder podcast here on newhope.com, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play and other places you find your podcasts.

Have an "innovation for good food" idea we should consider for the Fodder podcast? Want to offer feedback on our latest episode? Email us at [email protected].

2020 Fodder podcast underwriters

About the Author

Christine Kapperman

Senior Content Director, New Hope Network

As the senior content director at New Hope Network, Christine Kapperman combines her 20-year journalism background with her passion for business to cover the natural products industry for newhope.com and Natural Foods Merchandiser magazine. She also led content at worldteanews.com. She loves tracking (and tasting) trends as she shares what’s next to show up in cups, plates and in pantries across the United States.

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