How to use white sugar substitutesHow to use white sugar substitutes
August 9, 2010

Agave nectar
Substitute for 1 cup sugar: 2/3 cup
Recipe notes: Reduce recipe liquid by 2 tablespoons; reduce oven temp by 25 degrees.
Brown-rice syrup or barley-malt syrup
Substitute for 1 cup sugar:11⁄4 cups
Recipe notes:Reduce recipe liquid by 2–3 tablespoons; add 1⁄16 teaspoon baking soda for baked goods.
Coconut or date sugar
Substitute for 1 cup sugar:2⁄3 cup
Recipe notes:Cover mixing bowl with a towel when beating, or sugar dust will coat the kitchen.
Maple syrup
Substitute for 1 cup sugar: 3/4 cup
Recipe notes:Reduce recipe liquid by 1⁄4 cup; add 1⁄8 teaspoon baking soda.
Substitute for 1 cup sugar:1/2–1 teaspoon
Recipe notes: Substitute no more than half sugar with stevia for baked goods.
Substitute for 1 cup sugar:1 cup
Recipe notes: Start by substituting only part of sugar; watch for digestive upset.
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