National Enzyme Company Receives OSHA STAR Site RecertificationNational Enzyme Company Receives OSHA STAR Site Recertification
June 15, 2009

National Enzyme Company held a closing ceremony marking the end of their recent VPP audit. From June 8-11 National Enzyme Company was thoroughly audited by two representatives from the OSHA Voluntary Protection Program. During the closing recertification ceremony it was announced that National Enzyme Company once again qualifies for the gold standard for safety- STAR Certification. National Enzyme Company has retained OSHA’s VPP STAR site certification for the past nine years, and is the only facility in the dietary supplement industry to achieve this recognition from OSHA.
According to OSHA’s final report, National Enzyme is extremely committed to safety and health beginning with its leadership. “Management commitment is the cornerstone of the VPP program,” said Matt Gaines, Safety Specialist, at the company-wide recertification ceremony. “All employees interviewed stated that management sincerely cared about their well-being.”
National Enzyme’s commitment to safety reflects upon their company-wide loyalty to quality. From custom formulation to product testing; manufacturing to packaging, each step in the product development process is met with as much care and consideration. Just as NEC willingly invites OSHA to audit their facility for the benefit of its employees, they also proactively seek the highest standard of quality for the benefit of its customers.
Since 1932, National Enzyme Company has been the leader in nutritional enzyme technology. From research and development to marketing support, NEC provides manufacturers and distributors worldwide with comprehensive dietary supplement services while adhering to strict NSF and TGA certified GMPs.
For more information about National Enzyme Company, please visit
For more information about OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program, please visit
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