February 22, 2013

At this time last year, the hottest social media startup, Pinterest, was dealing with controversy over selling its users’ content. Natural Products Expo West even hosted an entire education session about it.
Shortly after Expo West, user gripes prompted the digital pinboard giant to remove its sticky terms-of-service clause—a move that gave confidence to businesses and consumers alike. Now, more people than ever (25 million at press time) use the network that drives retail traffic and sales.
The latest way to capitalize on this network that’s not going away is to use the newly launched Pinterest for Business. Convert your existing Pinterest account, or create a new business account by visiting business.pinterest.com. Business accounts look and behave the same as personal Pinterest accounts and also include a helpful Getting Started page with four steps you can take to grow your audience and drive traffic to your website.
Why bother? Pinterest’s case study of Allrecipes.com states that after the world’s largest digital food brand added Pin It buttons on each recipe page, “within three months, more than 50,000 recipes were pinned, resulting in 139 million Pinterest impressions, and clicks on Allrecipes’ Pinterest content increased more than 900 percent.”
Here are five ideas for creatively adding Pinterest to your website.
1. Add a section to your newsletter that features pins from your shoppers via your community pinboard. To do this, create a board as usual, and type in the names of your followers near the “Who can pin?” text box. Click “Invite,” then watch as your readers add pins to the board. Showcase them and their pins in your newsletter.
2. Add the Pin It button to your blog and website and especially to all products listed in your e-commerce store.
3. Add a free Pinterest tab (woobox.com/pinterest) to your Facebook page so shoppers can easily transition from one network to the other. Routinely link to beautiful imagery you’ve pinned on Pinterest to make the most of both networks.
4. Showcase what inspires you and your business. Consider making a board that reflects your store’s culture and ethos.
5. Create a hashtag for your business and a contest using it. For example, encourage your readers to pin the natural products you carry with the hashtag #naturalhealth (or simply your store’s name in the hashtag) for a chance to win the product they’ve pinned.
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