Balanced Health Botanicals Newsletter – JulyBalanced Health Botanicals Newsletter – July

July 15, 2022

2 Min Read

4 keys to the wellness-minded cannabis consumer.

MJBizDaily distilled insight from experts at the recent Cannabis Marketing Association conference in Denver. The first takeaway: when building branding campaigns for wellness-minded cannabis shoppers, start with CBD, and start marking via social. Read on for the next three here. 

FDA: Another day, another subcommittee.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Science Board held a day-long meeting in June to wrestle with the “challenges in evaluating the safety of dietary supplement and food ingredients with predicted pharmacological activity, utilizing cannabinoids as a case study.” By day’s end, the agency indicated it would probably form a new subcommittee for a deeper dive. Here’s a recap at Cannabis Wire.

Major League Baseball approves CBD sponsorships.

In a landmark move that could open up CBD sponsorship across pro sports, MLB approved teams to sell sponsorships with CBD brands—as long as products are NSF-certified to not have psychoactive levels of THC. “We've been watching this category for a while and waiting for it to mature to the point where we can get comfortable with it," MLB CRO Noah Garden told Sport Business Journal. Learn more here.

DEA triumphs over Hemp Industries Association.

A Washington, D.C. appeals court dismissed two HIA lawsuits the trade group filed to protect manufacturers from the reach of the Drug Enforcement Agency. HIA and RE Botanicals, Inc. held that the DEA was disregarding the intent of the 2018 Farm Bill. Get the upshot of the judges’ 25-page opinion here.

Products with a higher THC-to-CBD ratio may be more potent that products with a higher CBD-to-THC ratio, according to a new, government-backed review of research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Researchers analyzed 25 studies for the review. Read it here at the Annals of Internal Medicine. 

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