Climate change could be a huge opportunity for our industry–if we work togetherClimate change could be a huge opportunity for our industry–if we work together
The Climate Collaborative is sending out a rallying cry to the industry to come together to combat climate change, and it's hosting a special session at Expo East that will help build the road map to the next phase of meaningful collective action.
August 27, 2019
July 2019 was officially the hottest year on record for the planet, and all of us—companies, communities, and families—want and need to do more to respond to and mitigate the threats that climate change brings.
The Climate Collaborative is proud of the nearly 400 companies that have committed to climate action in the natural products industry and I hope that many more companies will join us on September 12 to explore how we can take our collaborative climate actions even deeper as an industry.
“Global warming presents the greatest-ever opportunity for humanity to create the clean, healthy and just world many of us, for decades, have been tirelessly working for,” says Jurriaan Kamp, founder of the Climate Solutions Summit and the keynote speaker for the session.
We want to help the industry take advantage of this opportunity. In the session you’ll hear from Jurriaan as well as from thought leaders on climate change from Seventh Generation, Stonyfield, Mountain Rose Herbs (MRH), and Glen’s Garden Market in DC.
We can’t wait to share their stories with you, from how MRH is collaborating with Oregon businesses to advance their policy advocacy efforts to how Glen’s has helped launch dozens of local, sustainable, women- and minority-owned businesses in the DC area, and more.
Don’t miss it! RSVP now to save your spot and help celebrate climate action in the industry.
We’ll see you there!
What: Pathways to Partnership: How to Build True Collaboration on Climate (free with badge)When: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, 2019
Where: Hilton, Key Ballroom
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