Eat, brush, & recycleEat, brush, & recycle
April 1, 2006

What happens to empty yogurt cups? Some are reincarnated as toothbrush and razor handles, thanks to a partnership between Stonyfield Farm and Recycline, maker of Preserve personal care products created from 100 percent recycled plastic (65 percent of which comes from Stonyfield yogurt cups). What's more, sales from the Preserve Jr. kids' toothbrush aid efforts by the National Wildlife Federation to protect endangered species and the environment. Want your next yogurt to become a fun-colored toothbrush or razor? Send cleaned Stonyfield cups to>>
Stonyfield Farm
Attn: Yogurt Cup Recycling
10 Burton Drive
Londonderry, NH 03053.
Then, continue the life cycle by returning used toothbrushes and razors in Recycline's postage-paid envelope (available in stores, or by e-mailing a request to [email protected]) to be reincarnated again in the form of plastic lumber.
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