September 17, 2009

Indy logo
No matter how small your store, manufacturers that display this logo want to work with you.
25 club
In honor of Expo East’s 25th year, exhibitors displaying this logo will offer a 25 percent show discount.
Green designation
To achieve “green” status, qualifying exhibitors must participate in activities such as in-booth recycling or composting, offsetting travel to the show and producing digital promo materials.
Book Store
Featured authors and speakers will hold signings at the Book Store, in the show floor Bistro, Hall A.
Retail Resource Center
Daily retailer-to-retailer networking sessions include food and guided discussions, Hall A.
New Products Showcase
On-floor showcases give you easy access to new products. Cast your vote for your favorites; awards will be presented on Saturday, 2:30 p.m. to 3 p.m, Hall A.
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