Issues Surrounding Healthcare Key Priority For Supplement UsersIssues Surrounding Healthcare Key Priority For Supplement Users
January 15, 2009
Just as a new group of elected officials prepare to work for the American people in the White House, Congress and in political posts across the country, a new survey from the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) reveals where the domestic priorities lie for the more than 150 million Americans who take vitamins and other supplements every year.
According to the 2008 CRN Consumer Survey on Dietary Supplements, while the economy—not surprisingly—ranks as the highest priority issue for the largest portion of survey respondents, healthcare issues rank among the top two domestic issues for the majority of surveyed supplement users, as 52 percent ranked healthcare as either the number one or number two domestic issue facing the country. (Forty-six percent of non-supplement users rank healthcare issues as either first or second.)
When asked to rank six domestic issues in order of their importance:
• Sixty percent of supplement users ranked the economy as either the first or second issue most important to them (57% for non-users)
• Fifty-two percent of supplement users ranked healthcare as either the first or second issue most important to them (46% for non-users)
• Twenty-nine percent of supplement users ranked social security as either the first or second issue most important to them (28% for non-users)
• Twenty-five percent of supplement users ranked education as either the first or second issue most important to them (37% for non-users)
• Eighteen percent of supplement users ranked environmental concerns as either the first or second issue most important to them (15% for non-users)
• Seventeen percent of supplement users ranked immigration as either the first or second issue most important to them (16% for non-users)
Supplement users also tend to place an emphasis on health as a priority in their own personal lives, as reflected in their day-to-day habits when it comes to maintaining overall wellness. When asked to indicate whether or not they agree with the following statements about their personal behaviors, supplement users and non-users responded as follows:
Supplement Users Say… Non-Users of Supplements Say…
I try to eat a balanced diet 84% I try to eat a balanced diet 68%
I exercise regularly 62% I exercise regularly 50%
I visit my doctor regularly 73% I visit my doctor regularly 54%
I regularly get a good night's sleep 65% I regularly get a good night's sleep 59%
I think that taking supplements is a smart choice for a healthy lifestyle 95% I think that taking supplements is a smart choice for a healthy lifestyle 47%
“It’s interesting to note that so many who place healthcare issues as a top priority for the country are also doing what they can on an individual level,” said Judy Blatman, senior vice president, communications. “We’re pleased to see that users of our products are taking an active role in maintaining their own wellness regimen though a combination of healthy habits that include efforts for a balanced diet, taking vitamins and other supplements, and engaging in regular exercise.”
The 2008 CRN Consumer Survey on Dietary Supplements, formerly known as the CRN Consumer Confidence Survey, was conducted August 20-25, 2008 by Ipsos Public Affairs and funded by CRN. The survey was conducted on-line and included a national sample of 2,013 adults aged 18 and older from Ipsos’ U.S. on-line panel. The survey has been conducted annually since 2000, with a migration from telephone to the internet beginning in 2005. The survey was weighted to reflect the actual U.S. adult population with an estimated margin of error of +/-2.2 percentage points.
Note to Editor: Ipsos Public Affairs is part of Ipsos, a leading global survey-based market research company, owned and managed by research professionals that helps interpret, simulate, and anticipate the needs and responses of consumers, customers, and citizens. Ipsos offers a full line of custom, syndicated, omnibus, panel, and on-line research products and services, guided by industry experts and bolstered by advanced analytics and methodologies.
Note to Editor: The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), founded in 1973, is a Washington, D.C.-based trade association representing dietary supplement manufacturers and ingredient suppliers. Visit
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