Did you miss the preview of upcoming content at Natural Products Expo West and in Natural Products Expo Virtual?
Jenna Fitch, New Hope director community and conference content, offer a sneak peek of just some of the exciting events, education, lectures and, of course, happy hours lined up for Anaheim—and everywhere, via livestream and on-demand programming. You can watch a replay of Expo Content Sneak Peek whenever it's convenient.
At 8 a.m. PST Wednesday, SPINS Senior Market Insights Analyst Scott Dicker joins Amanda Hartt, New Hope Network Next Data & Insights lead market analyst, and Adrienne Smith, New Hope Network content director for "Navigating Expo: The hottest trends and products." Together, they will help you find the most innovative, purposeful brands in the natural products industry. You'll be able to find the replay of the event at the same link.
“Find out what products to check out and what trends to look for you as you prepare for Expo,” Fitch says.
One of the biggest highlights of NPEV certainly will be this year's NEXTY Award winners, revealed live at 11 a.m. EST on Wednesday, March 2.
"I'm just so excited for all the in-person and virtual platforms," says Fitch. "I love hearing and learning from everyone in our community and hope you do, too. We've got a lot of work to do!"
All NPEV sessions and livestreamed Expo West sessions will be available for replay beginning the day after the event. Many other in-person Expo West sessions will be recorded and posted, as well, to the On Demand Content tab.
Can't-miss events during Expo West week
"I know many in our community have been, unfortunately, recently impacted by climate disasters, and I think we're all seeking ways to take action," Fitch says. Learn about opportunities and advances in the fight against global warming on Climate Day, March 8. "Hear from many leaders in the climate movement with tons of information and inspiration to help you on your climate journey." Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr. kicks off the day with a keynote at 8 a.m. PST examining the link between climate change and social injustice—and what our industry can do about it.
Shark Tank's a snooze compared to Natural Products Expo West Pitch Slam. Ten brands, with the help of individual mentors, have been preparing their pitches, which will be evaluated by four judges: Liz Myslik, partner at Loft Growth Partners; Nina Sol Robinson, fund director for RUNWAY; Corrin Shindelar, CEO, All Natural Strategies; and Lindsey Wilson, Community Growth B Corporation. The event will include an interview with one of the Expo West 2021 Pitch Slam Rising Stars, as well.
In addition, three brands from Slow Money and Food Funded will be featured. These brands are crowd-funded and Expo West attendees and exhibitors will have the opportunity to support them. Catch the semifinals at 4:30 p.m. PST March 8, and the finals at 4:30 p.m. PST March 9.
One of the natural products industry's highest priorities is to effect social change and promote equality, so of course the topic receives significant attention during Expo West.
"Our industry has a deep commitment to J.E.D.I., which is Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion," Fitch says.
During Expo West, J.E.D.I. programming kicks off at 10 a.m. PST March 9 with "J.E.D.I. Collaborative Education: The Call for Systemic Change in the Natural Products Industry," featuring J.E.D.I. Collaborative CEO MaryAnne Howland and One Step Closer Co-founder Lara Dickinson. It continues at 10:30 PST with an overview of how the industry moves forward in this area. Learn more about steps the industry can take—and that others have taken—with "J.E.D.I. Collaborative Education: Pathways to Action and Leadership Reflections." This program will feature Cynthia Billops, vice president of operations, membership and belonging for One Step Closer; she'll introduce the four collaborative pathways and explain how to begin taking action.
If you are attending Expo West in person, you can learn more about J.E.D.I. issues at "The BIPOC C-Suite: Helping CEOs of Color Thrive & Multiply," scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. PST March 10.
The J.E.D.I. Community Happy Hour, in partnership with New American Table, JEDI Collaborative and Project Potluck, is scheduled for 4 p.m. PST March 11.
Fitch says many of her conversations have focused on organic and regenerative agriculture, farming methods that can help improve soil and even the atmosphere. Those practices, as well as brands' ESG responsibilities and information that rose from COP26, will all be discussed at "How ESG is Catalyzing Sustainability in the CPG Industry: Exploring Opportunities & Challenges," an in-person event at 10 a.m. PST on March 9.
"If you don't know what ESG or COP26 stands for, then make sure you're at a 10 a.m. session on Wednesday," says Fitch. The upcoming Farm Bill and marketing organic to consumers will also be included in that session, she says.
More sessions of interest
Clearly excited about the entire agenda, Fitch listed several popular sessions and topics.
Keynote addresses
The State of Natural & Organic—8:30 a.m. PST March 9.
The Joy of Plant Based Eating with Tabitha Brown—9 a.m. PST March 10.
The Color of Food Culture–Navigating Cultural Appropriation, Ownership & Heritage in the Food Industry—9a.m. PST March 11.
Raising the Standard–Clean, Healthy Nutrition for All Kids with Jennifer Garner—11 a.m. PST March 11
The State of Supplements: Supply (Chain) & Demand—10:30 a.m. PST March 10.
Catch a Buzz: The Rise of Experiential Supplements—12:30 p.m. PST March 10.
Building Transparency & Sustainability into Supplement Ingredient Supply—2 p.m. PST March 10.
Plant-based eating
Engaging Consumers with Climate-Friendly Brands—10 a.m. PST March 11.
Innovations in Plant Based Meat & Alternative Proteins—10 a.m. PST March 11.
Education & Activism: Campaigning for a Zero Waste Packaging Future—noon PST March 10.
Innovations That Inspire: Making an Impact with Sustainable Packaging—1:30 p.m. PST March 10.
Packaging Policies for the Future—3 p.m. PST March 10.
Industry concerns
Building Resilience: Strategically Adapting to a Changing Supply & Logistics Ecosystem—8 a.m. PST March 10.
Conversations the Nutrition Industry Should Be Having About COVID—5 pm. PST March 10.
Again, many in-person Expo West sessions that aren't livestreamed will be recorded and posted to the On Demand Content tab.
New Hope Network has planned a year of activities on our community platform, Natural Products Expo Virtual. Discover thousands of amazing companies, more pre-show programming and livestreamed sessions including Climate Day, Pitch Slam and the State of the Natural & Organic Industry keynote.
Explore the Natural Products Expo West agenda and the NPEV agenda to learn more and make your plans. Access to NPEV is included with Expo West in-person registration.
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