Natural products industry CEOs respond: What one change is your business driving right now?

Here, Miyoko Schinner, David Bronner, Claude Tellis and Kareem Cook discuss their companies' main areas of focus.

Kira Hunter, Content Producer and Personal Care Editor

August 20, 2020

2 Min Read
ceos spark change leadership kickoff panel

The Spark Change Kickoff Event took place Aug. 26, and one of the highly anticipated events was the Leadership Panel featuring four standout natural products industry CEOs. These dynamic individuals represent various natural products businesses, but all are thriving while simultaneously shaping the world into a better, healthier place.

Below are their answers to the following question: What is one change you and your organization are working to drive and what have you learned from this work?

David Bronner, Dr. Bronner's

"One of our main focuses right now is Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC). The certification brings together the best of existing soil health, animal welfare and fair labor certifications into a single standard. Adopted at global scale, regenerative organic management of agricultural lands can mitigate climate change and help build resilient rural communities. Regenerative Organic Certified criteria reflects the values that Dr. Bronner’s was already implementing in our supply chain, with our focus on organic and Fair Trade systems, but now we’re advancing another level of environmental stewardship, and we’re proud to demonstrate that with our new Regenerative Organic Coconut Oil. What we’ve learned is that when dedicated brands come together as allies, as all the partners in the Regenerative Organic Alliance did, our industry can actually begin to model a true alternative to industrial agriculture.”

Related:Spark Change Kickoff Event agenda

Miyoko Schinner, Miyoko's

"We are working to drive awareness of social justice issues within the company, everything from animal rights to racism. We have implemented programs to discuss such issues internally through all-staff Zoom meetings, and to gain learnings by watching movies, such as Cowspiracy and 13th and discussing them as a group. The discoveries individuals have made about their personal biases and growth trajectory have been very interesting and exciting."

Claude Tellis and Kareem Cook, Naturade 

"The biggest change our company is focused on is acquiring consumers who are outside of our target market into our ecosystem. We’ve done this online by bringing new consumers into our e-commerce platforms to buy our products. We’ve had to master our social media platforms to reach and invite consumers into our ecosystem. By lowering our acquisition costs of new consumers, we believe that we will continue to see growth and build a scalable company."

Spark Change LogoNatural Products Expo is now online through December at Spark Change. Get all the details and register today.

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About the Author

Kira Hunter

Content Producer and Personal Care Editor, New Hope Network

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