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New Product Review’s Top 40 4672New Product Review’s Top 40 4672

NFM Staff

April 24, 2008

5 Min Read
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Each month, The Natural Foods Merchandiser polls retailers throughout the United States to determine what products are selling in various regions. To participate, contact [email protected].

Frank Lane,
buyer, A to Zinc, Hudson, Fla.

  1. Grocery

  2. Bob?s Red Mill Flaxseed Meal

  3. Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic

  4. Spectrum Coconut Oil, Organic

  5. NOW Almonds, Shelled

  6. Imagine Foods Rice Dream, Original Organic

  1. Supplements

  2. HPF Cholestene

  3. NOW Omega-3

  4. NOW Glucosamine/MSM 750/250

  5. Alvita Senna Leaf Tea

  6. NOW Acetyl L-carnitine

  1. HABA

  2. NOW Tea Tree Oil

  3. Aubrey Organics Green Tea Shampoo

  4. Jason Satin Soap, all varieties

  5. Tom?s of Maine Toothpastes, all varieties

  6. Nature?s Gate Antiseptic Liquid Soap

  1. Miscellaneous

  2. PetGuard Cat Food, all varieties

  3. Ecover Ecological Dishwashing Liquid, Lemon

  4. Allan?s Laundry Soap

  5. Seven Star Farm Plain Yogurt

  6. Alvera Roll-On Deodorant, Aloe & Almond

Lexa Juhre, POS/systems coordinator, Honest Weight Food Co-op, Albany, N.Y.

  1. Grocery

  2. Clif Bars, all varieties

  3. Westbrae WestSoy Drinks, all varieties

  4. Eden EdenSoy Drinks, all varieties

  5. Imagine Foods Rice Dream, all varieties

  6. Pacific Vegetable Broth

  1. Supplements

  2. Nature?s Plus Spiru-tein, all varieties

  3. Nathan Export Plantafresh

  4. Genisoy Bars, all varieties

  5. Zand Herbalozenges, all varieties

  6. Spectrum Flax Oil, all varieties

  1. HABA

  2. Sappo Hill Bar Soaps, all varieties

  3. Tom?s of Maine Toothpastes, all varieties

  4. Soap Works Bar Soaps, all varieties

  5. Nature?s Gate Shampoo, all varieties

  6. Xylichew Gum, all varieties

  1. Miscellaneous

  2. PetGuard Cat Food, all varieties

  3. Seventh Generation Bathroom Tissue, single roll

  4. Acclaim Toilet Tissue

  5. Lick Your Chops Cat Food, all varieties

  6. Natural Value Cat Food, all varieties

Virginia White,
buyer, Naturally Yours Grocery, Peoria, Ill.

  1. Grocery

  2. Atkins, entire line

  3. R.W. Knudsen Black Cherry Juice

  4. Barbara?s Cheese Puffs

  5. Local Gluten-Free Pizza

  6. Michael Season?s Soy Protein Chips

  1. Supplements

  2. Solaray Fenugreek

  3. Vitalogic Osteoprotect

  4. NOW Soy Protein Powder

  5. New Chapter, all varieties

  6. Douglas Lab Ultra Preventive III

  1. HABA

  2. Burt?s Bees Beeswax Lip Balm

  3. Burt?s Bees Lifeguard Lip Balm

  4. Better Botanicals Hand Lotion

  5. Tom?s of Maine Toothpastes, Fluoride-Free

  6. The Merry Hempsters Lip Balm, all varieties

  1. Miscellaneous

  2. Juice Machines, all types

  3. Himalayan Institute Neti Pots

  4. Wheatgrass Juice

  5. Seventh Generation Bathroom Tissue

  6. PetGuard LifeSpan Dog Food

Cheryl Mackner,
owner, Living Green Natural Food & Apothecary, Langley, Wash.

  1. Grocery

  2. Barlean?s Organic Flax Oil

  3. Alternative Baking Co. Vegan Cookies, all flavors

  4. Bio-International Organic Food Bar

  5. Lumen Foods Stonewall?s Jerquee

  6. So Good Co. So Good Nutritional Yeast

  1. Supplements

  2. Natural Vitality Natural Calm

  3. Pure Essence Labs ProFema

  4. Aloe Life Aloe Gold

  5. Garden of Life Perfect Food

  6. Naturally Vitamins Wobenzym

  1. HABA

  2. Life-Flo Progesta-Care Cream

  3. Nutra Research Ultra Relief MSM Cream

  4. Heather Lorraine Golden Jojoba Oil

  5. Boiron Arnica Gel

  6. Naturtint Hair Color

  1. Miscellaneous

  2. Rainbow Ear Candles

  3. Udo?s/Flora Pet Essentials for Dogs

  4. Liquid Health K-9 Glucosamine

  5. Root Concepts Mini Stickers

  6. Himalayan Institute Neti Pots

Shanda Brink,
assistant manager, Cornucopia Natural Foods, Stanwood, Wash.


  1. Atkins Advantage Peanut Butter Chocolate Bar

  2. Bob?s Red Mill Flaxseed Meal

  3. Follow Your Heart Grapeseed Vegenaise

  4. La Tortilla Factory Lo Carb Tortillas

  5. Food For Life Ezekiel Breads, all flavors

  1. Supplements

  2. Barlean?s Flax Oil

  3. Solaray Mega B-Stress

  4. Alacer Corp. Emer?gen-C, all varieties

  5. Amino Sculpt Health Direct

  6. Nature?s Life Blueberry Acidophilus

  1. HABA

  2. Avalon Organic Botanicals Lavender Shampoo and Conditioner

  3. Dr. Bronner?s Peppermint Pure-Castile Soap

  4. Burt?s Bees Beeswax Lip Balm

  5. Natural Remedies Ear Candles

  6. Nutribiotic Face Serum

  1. Miscellaneous

  2. Nag Champa Incense

  3. MagnaLyfe Assorted Magnetic Bracelets

  4. Gaiam Balance Balls, all sizes

  5. Bi-O-Kleen Hand and Dish Soap

  6. Orange Mate Mist

Suzie Oelkers,
manager, Natural Abundance, Aberdeen, S.D.

  1. Grocery

  2. Bob?s Red Mill Flaxseed Meal

  3. Westbrae WestSoy Unsweetened Soymilk

  4. Country Choice Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

  5. Ener-G Tapioca Bread

  6. Blue Diamond Almond Breeze, Vanilla

  1. Supplements

  2. Boiron Oscillococcinum

  3. Products of Nature Natural Woman Progesterone Cream

  4. Futurebiotics Glucosamine Chondroitin

  5. Solaray Multidophilus-12

  6. KAL Enhanced Energy Supreme

  1. HABA

  2. Harmony Cone Ear Candles

  3. Aura Cacia Lavender Essential Oil

  4. Giovanni 50/50 Balanced Shampoo

  5. Giovanni Tea Tree Triple Treat Shampoo

  6. Aura Cacia Eucalyptus Essential Oil

  1. Miscellaneous

  2. Planet Extra Strength Dishwashing Liquid

  3. Ecover Dishwashing Liquid

  4. Ecover Dishwashing Tablets

  5. Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent

  6. Planet All Purpose Cleaner

Jim Lowenstern,
vitamin buyer, Cash Grocer, Alexandria, Va.

  1. Grocery

  2. Amy?s Pizza, all varieties

  3. Reed?s Ginger Beer

  4. Tree of Life Cranberry Concentrate

  5. R.W. Knudsen Spritzers, all varieties

  6. Silk Soymilk

  1. Supplements

  2. New Chapter Every Woman

  3. Jarrow Jarro-Dophilus

  4. Nordic Naturals Omega-3

  5. Boiron Arnica

  6. Renew Life CleanseSmart

  1. HABA

  2. Burt?s Bees Beeswax Lip Balm

  3. Dr. Bronner?s Peppermint Pure-Castile Soap

  4. Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil

  5. Weleda Sage Deodorant

  6. Epicurean Soap Co. Shea Butter, all varieties

  1. Miscellaneous

  2. Penta Water

  3. Wysong Pet Food

  4. Citra-Solv Natural Cleaner and Degreaser

  5. Triloka Incense

  6. Seventh Generation Bathroom Tissue

John Stansbury,
owner, An Ounce of Prevention, Carencro, La.

  1. Grocery

  2. Food For Life Ezekiel Breads, all varieties

  3. Imagine Foods Rice Dream Non-Dairy Desserts

  4. Joseph?s Sugar-Free Cookies

  5. Tree of Life Smoked Tofu

  6. Pacific Foods Almond Drink, Vanilla

  1. Supplements

  2. Tree of Life Noni Juice

  3. Source Naturals Life Force Multiple

  4. Symbiotics New Life Colostrum

  5. Source Naturals Wellness Formula

  6. Peaceful Mountain Sinus Relief

  1. HABA

  2. Dr. Bronner?s Peppermint Pure-Castile Soap

  3. Nature?s Gate Herbal Toothpaste

  4. Nature?s Alchemy Essential Oil

  5. Earth Therapeutics Tea Tree Oil Foot Repair Balm

  6. Home Health Psoriasis Cream

  1. Miscellaneous

  2. Etherean Music CDs

  3. HEM Incense Sticks

  4. Heritage Products Aura Glow Skin Lotions

  5. Leanin? Tree Greeting Cards

  6. Marilyn Clark?s Dogbone Pillows

Natural Foods Merchandiser volume XXV/number 2/p. 64

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