Probiotic Identity Theft - A Serious ProblemProbiotic Identity Theft - A Serious Problem
October 13, 2009

Recently, UAS Laboratories has uncovered several companies illegally using the designation DDS®-1 on their probiotics. Because of its 40 years of research and 30 years of proven track record as a superior probiotic product, DDS® Probiotics are well-known and trusted. Many probiotic-users look for the presence of Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1 on the product label. As a result, other companies are trying to mimic the product, unlawfully.
Only registered DDS® Probiotics contain the Superstrain, L. acidophilus DDS®-1
DDS® Probiotics have been a success in the United States, Canada and Europe as well as many other countries around the world for the past 30 years. As a matter of fact, DDS® probiotics have been approved by Health Canada for distribution in Canada where probiotics are strictly regulated, like drugs. Look for DDS® Probiotics produced by UAS Laboratories, Inc. They include: Probioplus DDS®, DDS® Plus, DDS®-100 Acidophilus and DDS® Junior. (Others may be falsely claiming to contain the Superstrain, L. acidophilus DDS®-1).
Guidelines for Trademark Use
UAS Laboratories, inc. owns the United States Trademark Registration No. 1,685,959 for the terms “DDS” in conjunction with DDS®-1 L. acidophilus dietary supplements. The companies who are authorized to use the term DDS® or DDS®-1 can do so as long as they follow the guidelines of the agreement to sell quality products containing DDS®/DDS®-1 L. acidophilus which is subject to the inspection and testing by UAS Laboratories for compliance.
Companies using the DDS® or DDS®-1 designation must:
1. Have written, legal permission of UAS Laboratories, Inc.
2. Display “DDS® and DDS®-1 are registered trademarks of UAS Laboratories, Inc.” on the label.
3. Contain the specific strain of bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1 which is subject to inspection and testing by UAS Laboratories for compliance.
Report Identity Thieves
If you see a product that claims to contain Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1, or such similar wording, on the label, report the product to UAS Laboratories, Inc. Unauthorized use of trademarks takes away one level of consumer protection in the supplement industry.
About UAS Laboratories and DDS® Probiotics
UAS Laboratories, Inc. located at 9953 Valley View Rd, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, USA 55344 (, is the leading probiotic company established by Dr. S.K. Dash, the probiotic pioneer in 1979. UAS Labs provides DDS® Probiotic supplements to stores, in the USA and other countries. It also provides private label probiotics and probiotic raw material. DDS Probiotics are backed by over 40 years of University research, U.S. patent and trademark and are listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference. Dr. Dash, president of UAS Laboratories, is International Probiotic Association’s (IPA) Vice President and Scientific Advisor. Dr. Dash has received many national and international awards and honors for his pioneering work in probiotics.
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