April 24, 2008

Herbal/Prescription Interaction Awareness Month
Culinary Arts Month
Bikini Month
Blueberries Month
Hot Dog Month
Grilling Month
Horseradish Month
Social Wellness Month
Weekly Themes
July 8-14 Therapeutic Recreation Anniversary
July 15-21 Independent Retailers Week
July 3 Stay Out of the Sun Day
July 4 Independence Day
July 7 Personal Chef Day
July 15 Ice Cream Day
July 22 Parents' Day
July 23 Gorgeous Grandma Day
Promo tip: Blueberries are tasty in a range of dishes beyond pies and cobblers. Celebrate these juicy little treats during Blueberry Month by researching unique recipes to share with your customers. Stretch their culinary boundaries by adding blueberries to soups, pasta sauces—even meat dishes!
Natural Foods Merchandiser volume XXVIII/number 5/p.46
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