Total Health & Beauty Care Sales vs. Natural and Organic Personal Care by Channel and Product Categories: NBJ Data Chart 6
Breakdown of natural & organic personal care (N&OPC) and total health and beauty care (HBC) revenues in 2005 - 2010 for the following 12 product categories: cosmetics, feminine hygiene, hair care, baby care, nail care, oral hygiene, bath items, deodorants, shaving products, skin care, soap and fragrances. Sales forecasts for 2011 are also provided.
August 3, 2008
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Chart 6 is a breakdown of natural & organic personal care (N&OPC) and total health and beauty care (HBC) revenues in 2005 - 2010 for the following 12 product categories: cosmetics, feminine hygiene, hair care, baby care, nail care, oral hygiene, bath items, deodorants, shaving products, skin care, soap and fragrances. Sales forecasts for 2011 are also provided.
Also, a summary table presents total N&OPC sales by 6 channels including: natural and specialty retail, department store/ boutique/salon/spa, specialty personal care stores, network marketing, other direct channels and finally, and mass market/beauty supply discounters for 2005-2010.
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