September 26, 2009

What started off as a few tables of mellow conversation turned into a bustling schmoozefest as Women in Naturals kicked off the weekend with a night of networking. Women from various segments of the industry—including educators, manufacturers, writers, brokers, retailers and distributors—noshed, drank and exchanged business cards. Here’s who made an appearance.
New Hope Natural Media education organizer, Courtney Hathaway with fellow New Hopers Jennifer McCord and Sunny Hurbeck.
Nonny Charriere, an English-to-French translator from Switzerland, with fellow WINs.
Cynthia Barstow (center), president of Seed to Shelf marketing firm and professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, with colleagues and food-marketing students (from left) Adriana Moreno, Kyla Rose Guidoboni, and Daniele Mathras. Barstow spoke on Thursday about how to use social media to market your company.
Deirdre White-Randall, of DW Growth, and writer and marketing expert Gail Clanton Diggs—both of Washington, D.C.
Nancy Mercanti of Penn.-based Herb Sun Limited.
Nova Scotia-based natural-health copywriter Sandra Howe with IT consultant (and husband), Bill Melvin.
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