How to know when you should get outside fundingHow to know when you should get outside funding

The founder and CEO of Fresh Bellies shares valuable funding advice for emerging CPG brands.

Cameron Simcik, Community & Conference Content Coordinator

August 14, 2019

In order to grow and expand your natural product brand, you'll have to eventually face the f-word: funding. It's a daunting task for many founders, but Saskia Sorrosa is proving that successful funding is possible—even with no previous entrepreneurial experience.

Sorrosa is the founder and CEO of Fresh Bellies, an innovative baby food brand focused on flavorful, veggie-forward ingredients to train baby's palates to love healthy foods. She went from VP of Marketing at the NBA to CEO of her own rapidly-growing company in just four years, thanks in large part to strategic funding.

So when is the right time to get outside funding? What channels should you consider? Watch this video to find out.

Need more financial questions answered? Join Sorrosa and other industry leaders at Natural Products Business School at Expo East.

Natural Products Expo EastWhat: Natural Products Business School (education add-on required)
When: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019
Where: Hilton, Key Ballroom

About the Author

Cameron Simcik

Community & Conference Content Coordinator, New Hope Network

Cameron is a certified nutritionist passionate about elevating emerging natural products brands through writing and conference programming and bringing holistic health to the masses.

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