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As our community convenes this week in the new home of Natural Products Expo East, Philadelphia, brand founders will take the stage to compete in the Natural Products Expo East 2021 Pitch Slam.
So those attending virtually from home can be part of the action, the event will be livestreamed on the Natural Products Expo Virtual platform.
After hours of careful consideration and taste-testing, the New Hope Network content team and a group of 10 industry experts determined who will pitch for the chance to snag more than $40,000 in New Hope Network services, including a free booth at Natural Products Expo East 2022.
Emceeing the event is Betsy McGinn of McGinn eComm and New Hope Network Marketing Manager Claire Koch.
For this year's Pitch Slam Seminfinals, five brands were selected by a Selection Committee. The remaining five pitchers each won their local Naturally Network Pitch Slam competition. These emerging brands model true innovation within the natural products industry, and we’re excited to shine a spotlight on each.
The pitch
Natural Products Expo East Pitch Slam Semifinals will be on Sept. 22, 2021, from 4:30–6:30 p.m. ET. The event is sponsored by Zipline Logistics and will be presented by Nutrition Capital Network. Ten pre-selected emerging brands will take the stage with 3-minute pitches and then will have three minutes of Q&A from a rock-star judging panel. The judges will then select five finalists to compete again the next night.
The Natural Products Expo East Pitch Slam Finals & Party will be Thursday, Sept. 23, 2021, from 4:30–6:30 p.m. ET. The event is sponsored by Zipline Logistics and will be presented by Nutrition Capital Network. The finalists from Wednesday will have three minutes to pitch and five minutes for Q&A. The judges will then select one grand prize winner as well as a rising star.
The selection
The Selection Committee and Mentors below have been partnered up with the brands over last several weeks to help them perfect their Expo East pitch.
Expo East Mentors and Selection Committee
Elliot Begoun, Founder, TIG (The Intertwine Group)
Bill Capsalis, Executive Director, Naturally Boulder
Nick Auzenne, Director of Purchasing, INFRA
Kirk Visola, Founder, Mind The Font
Trever Knoflick, Strategic Advisor, P2R Group
Emerald-Jane Hunter, Ringleader, myWHY Agency
Sherry Frey, Founder, LYLOLE
Courtney Pineau, Executive Director, The Climate Collaborative
Katrina Tolentino, Executive Director, Naturally Austin
Karen Farrell, National Director, Presence Marketing
Claire Koch, Marketing Manager, New Hope Network
Jen Taylor, Community & Conference Content Manager, New Hope Network
Will Grubb, Manager, Business Development & Investor Relationship at Nutrition Capital Network
Jenna Fitch, Community and Conference Content Director, New Hope Network
Hannah Esper, Content Producer, New Hope Network
Adrienne Smith, Sr. Food Business Reporter, New Hope Network
Expo East Pitch Slam Judges
Yoli Ouiya, Yoli's Green Living
Ryan Pintado-Vertner, Smoketown
Brian Gordon, Acceleratre360
Eric Schnell, BeyondBrands
Click through to see the Natural Products Expo East 2021 Pitch Slam Semifinalists.
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