Livestream from Natural Products Expo East 2018: Natural Products Hemp and CBD SummitLivestream from Natural Products Expo East 2018: Natural Products Hemp and CBD Summit
Join the Natural Products Hemp and CBD Summit live at Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore from 8:30 to 11 a.m. EDT Wednesday, Sept. 12. Bookmark this page to access the livestream when it goes live.
September 7, 2018

There’s almost nothing that nature’s most nearly perfect plant cannot do. Industrial hemp-derived, full-spectrum hemp oil (don’t call it CBD) is the hottest product in supplement aisles. But the cannabis revolution is about more than just this cannabinoid. Hemp for everything from clothes to food to, well, victory, is at hand.
Learn how to educate customers, how to prepare for regulators, how pioneering brands stand out in the marketplace, and how to be a better ambassador for hemp. And yes, we’ll also have a panel of legal and regulatory experts to answer your burning questions.
This session is sponsored by:
Charlotte’s Web
CV Sciences
Emerald Health Bioceuticals
Functional Remedies
Market Hub
ShiKai CBD Topicals
8:30-8:35 a.m.: Get Up, Stand Up
New Hope Network’s ingredients and supplements editor Todd Runestad will help you focus the mind for the morning’s proceedings.
8:30-9 a.m.: Hemp, Hemp, Hooray! A Hemp Market Overview
An incredible convergence among industries is afoot. Morris Beegle, founder and president of Colorado Hemp Company and NoCo Hemp Expo, reveals the unifying force that hemp is having on health and wellness, food and fiber, climate issues and regenerative ag, bioplastics and automobile production—and whether it’s really true that the U.S. Constitution was written on hemp paper.
9-9:10 a.m.: Brand Highlight: CW Hemp
Charlotte’s Web is the brand that made CBD a household name. Today, it’s CW Hemp—no “CBD” on the label, no pot leaf, just a sophisticated-looking CPG brand. How did they get there from here? We talk with Matt Storey, director of global business development.
9:10-9:30 a.m.: CBD at Retail: How to Talk to Your Customer
“Is this the marijuana supplement?” “Will I fail a drug test?” “What’s CBD good for anyway?” In the chaotic CBD marketplace, store shoppers have questions. Laura Lagano, RDN, CDN, co-founder of the Holistic Cannabis Academy, will guide retailers on how to give accurate information that reassures curious customers.
9:30-9:40 a.m.: Break
9:40-9:50 a.m.: Brand Highlight: ShiKai
How did a 50-year-old legacy personal care brand decide to take the plunge to the uncertain CBD waters? Will older women shopping at mainstream retail understand the benefits? We talk with Jason Sepp, president and general manager.
9:50-10:10 a.m.: CBD at Retail: How to Talk to Potential Brands
A Certificate of Analysis—C of A—and an HPLC chromatogram are valuable documents that can reveal if you’ve got a quality hemp oil product. These are documents you need to request of any potential hemp oil purveyor that wants to get on your store shelves. But how to sift through the numbers and charts? Holly Johnson, Ph.D., chief science officer at the American Herbal Products Association, is here to make you smarter.
10:10-10:20 a.m.: Brand Highlight: Nutiva
This superfood purveyor is on a mission—building a sustainable food system featuring nutrient-dense whole foods grown via regenerative agricultural practices, with carbon offsets and zero waste. You’d better believe hemp is a part of that. We talk with John Roulac, founder and chief visionary officer.
10:20-11 a.m.: Lawyer Up! The Genius Session
Every day seems to contain a new twist in cannabis rules and regulations, and you’ve all got questions. We’ve assembled a high-powered docket of legal minds who will discuss state legislation, federal regulations, and the up-all-night concerns of companies trying to gain a foothold in the rollicking industrial hemp-derived CBD market. All rise for Jonathan Miller from the Hemp Industry Roundtable and Frost Brown Todd; Courtney Moran from EARTH Law; and Ashish Talati from the Amin Talati & Upadhye law firm.
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