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Prepare for Natural Products Expo West: Expo Virtual starts WednesdayPrepare for Natural Products Expo West: Expo Virtual starts Wednesday

Natural Products Expo Virtual features a keynote conversation with the founders of Goodles, a sneak preview of Expo West and booth-boosting suggestions.

New Hope Network staff

February 15, 2022

2 Min Read
Natural Products Expo Virtual 2022

What do you do when you have too much Natural Products Expo West to fit the calendar?

Well, it's 2022, so clearly the answer is: You go virtual!

Natural Products Expo Virtual kicks off at 11 a.m. EST (8 a.m. PST) Wednesday with A Conversation with Goodles founders. Wonder Woman herself, Gal Gadot, and her business partner, Jen Zeszut, discuss their Goodles better-for-you mac and cheese with New Hope Network's Executive Director of Content Jessica Rubino. Goodles features 15 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber plus prebiotics, and 21 nutrients in each serving, but that's not the only good that Goodles brings to the world. Tune in and find out what Goodles does to save the planet and its people.

That conversation isn't the only virtual event we are offering Wednesday, though.

At 11:35 a.m., Jessica Rubino and Jenna Fitch, New Hope's director of community and conference content, provide a sneak peek at what's coming at Expo West and NPEV—not just in March, but all year long.

Since we don't want to take up your entire day, our closing event on Wednesday is Expo Brand Bootcamp, starting at 11:50 a.m. EST. Here, you'll hear from New Hope Network and Informa Markets experts; Jeff Crumpton of SPINS LLC; and business executives about what it takes to be successful at Expo West. How do you make the most of your booth? How do you hype your brand on social media during Expo? And what's the best way to network with the people you need to know? (Don't forget there's an amusement park across the street!)

Be sure to register right away for these events so you don't miss out. 

Looking ahead, you might want to check out Navigating Expo: The hottest trends and products at 11 a.m. EST (8 a.m. PST) on Feb. 23. Learn about the most innovative, purposeful brands in the natural products industry from Amanda Hartt, market research manager for New Hope Network; Adrienne Smith, content director; and Scott Dicker, data analyst for SPINS. You'll also have the chance to connect with the companies through the NPEV platform.

Of course, you don't want to miss New Hope Network's announcement of this year's NEXTY Award winners. The big news will be unveiled at 11 a.m. EST (8 a.m. PST) on March 2. (Check out the list of finalists at on Wednesday!)

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