Fabuless success with Allévo meal replacement shakeFabuless success with Allévo meal replacement shake
June 12, 2007

Delft,NL, 28-Mar-2007 10:15 CET
Swedish company Cederroth International has announced the launch of a new meal replacer shake containing DSM’s revolutionary weight management ingredient Fabuless™. Allévo, which is available in Finland and Norway, contains a high dosage of Fabuless and helps consumers feel fuller for longer, reducing their desire to over-eat. It is high in fibre, vitamin-rich and low GI and enables people to lose weight when taken as part of a calorie controlled diet.
“We know from extensive research that effective calorie control is extremely important to today’s consumers,” comments David Jobse, product manager of Fabuless. “That’s why we are delighted that Cederroth International has selected Fabuless as the key ingredient in its new meal replacement drink. By incorporating Fabuless into Allévo, Cederroth can provide its customers with a scientifically proven solution, which helps them to resist the temptation of over-eating and thereby limit their daily calorie intake. Allévo with Fabuless is sure to be a hit with today’s weight-conscious market.”
The Allévo drink is available in two delicious flavours – chocolate and banana with orange. It is designed to be consumed as a meal replacer for breakfast or lunch.
The launch of Allévo marks a new application area for DSM. It is the latest in a long line of products containing Fabuless, which includes dairy products in Italy (ActifControl by Latteria Merano), Portugal (AdagioVersus by Lactogal) Netherlands and Germany (Optimel/Optiwell Control by Campina) as well as supplements in a number of countries world-wide.
Fabuless is a patent-protected combination of oat and palm oil (both naturally occurring lipids) that is formulated in a novel emulsion. Its microstructure prevents the digestion of palm oil droplets until relatively deep in the small intestine. Undigested fat arriving at the ileum (the latter part of the small intestine) triggers an “appetite satisfied” signal to the brain and consumers feel less need to take in further calories. They consequently eat less and still feel satisfied.
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