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How to prepare shoppers for a detoxHow to prepare shoppers for a detox

When the body is removing toxins, customers may experience common uncomfortable cleansing reactions.

Pamela Bond

December 1, 2011

1 Min Read
How to prepare shoppers for a detox

Whole-body cleansing programs play a key role in promoting gut health. Unlike short-term weight-loss programs, healthy cleansing kits help the body get rid of fat-soluble toxin buildup, which yields valuable outcomes that users can feel.

But before jumping into a cleanse, retailers  should prepare shoppers for the following possible negative  reactions warns Brenda Watson, ND, CNC, author of The Detox Strategy (Free Press, 2008) and president and founder of Palm Harbor, Fla.-based detox supplements manufacturer ReNew Life Formulas. By better preparing them, shoppers are more likely to stick to a cleanse and later experience its benefits.

Common cleansing reactions

At first, expect the body to respond to the mobilization of toxins with the following reactions:

  • Headache

  • Flu-like symptoms

  • Fogginess

Note: If any effects persist, suggest shoppers contact a health care practitioner.

After a few days, shoppers can expect the following benefits:

  • Bowel regularity

  • Clearer thinking

  • Weight loss

  • Increased energy

About the Author

Pamela Bond

Pamela Bond was the managing editor of Natural Foods Merchandiser from 2009-2011. Before coming to NFM, Pamela wrote about natural health, food, supplements, sustainable agriculture, outdoor adventure, fitness, travel and other topics for national consumer magazines and websites. She is a former editor at Delicious Living, Alternative Medicine and Rock & Ice magazines. When not desk-jockeying, Pamela enjoys attempting to master new recipes, classic rock climbs and Handstand.

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