Understanding gluten-free Twitter chatUnderstanding gluten-free Twitter chat
From gluten-free product trends to important health information, consumers, retailers and manufacturers are invited to join Delicious Living, newhope360, and the Gluten Intolerance Group for a #Glutenfreecchat that will answer your top questions about gluten-free.Date: May 28, 2014Time: 12 p.m. MT/2 p.m. ETRSVP today!Never attended a Twitter Chat before?1. Log in to Twitter or create a Twitter profile if you don't have one yet.2. Log into our Twitter Chat Room. Or you can choose to follow the hashtag #GlutenChat on your mobile phone or Twitter app.3. Once in our Twitter Chat Room, type your comments (less than 140 characters) and hit Update. The #GlutenChat hashtag will already be included, so no need to type it!4. Hit the Reply arrow to reply to someone and the Forward arrow to retweet what someone else has said.5. New tweets will appear at the top of the chat

From gluten-free product trends to important health information, consumers, retailers and manufacturers are invited to join Delicious Living, newhope360, and the Gluten Intolerance Group for a #Glutenfreecchat that will answer your top questions about gluten-free.Date: May 28, 2014Time: 12 p.m. MT/2 p.m. ETRSVP today!Never attended a Twitter Chat before?1. Log in to Twitter or create a Twitter profile if you don't have one yet.2. Log into our Twitter Chat Room. Or you can choose to follow the hashtag #GlutenChat on your mobile phone or Twitter app.3. Once in our Twitter Chat Room, type your comments (less than 140 characters) and hit Update. The #GlutenChat hashtag will already be included, so no need to type it!4. Hit the Reply arrow to reply to someone and the Forward arrow to retweet what someone else has said.5. New tweets will appear at the top of the chat. Keep in mind that questions and comments you tweet may not be answered right away. Allow time for all participants to respond and for tweets to appear in the chat.Questions? Tweet us @NewHope360 or leave them in the comments. About our sponsor: GIG’s mission is to support persons with gluten intolerances, celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, and other gluten sensitivities, through consumer and industry services and programs that positively promote healthy lives. GIG’s branches fulfill GIG’s mission on a local and regional level through programs tailored to their communities.
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