DDS® Probiotics Approved by Health Canada – One of A Few

July 1, 2009

2 Min Read
DDS® Probiotics Approved by Health Canada – One of A Few

Health Canada has approved DDS®-Plus, the top selling premier probiotics. In Canada, a probiotic must comply with Section 7 of the Natural Health Products Regulations. The approval process requires rigorous substantiation including: probiotic product research, probiotic strain efficacy and stability, quality control, and manufacturing process (this requires a site inspection and compliance with Canadian GMP – Good Manufacturing Practices. All product labeling, advertisements and marketing must comply with Canadian guidelines. Once a product passes these tests, it receives an NPN – Natural Product Number. UAS Labs DDS Probiotics are one of the few probiotics approved for sale in Canada.

DDS®-Probiotics for Digestive Health and Immune Function

All DDS® Probiotics include Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1, a proprietary Super Strain by UAS Laboratories, used by consumers for digestive health and immune function since 1979. L. acidophilus DDS®-1 and the Bifidobacteria used in DDS probiotics are both human-origin strains that are particularly well-suited for the human intestinal tract. DDS® Probiotics are acid and bile resistant and require no special coating to go through the stomach and upper intestinal tract to reach the gut alive. They are colonizers, they take up residence in the gut and multiply 100 to 200-fold. L. acidophilus DDS®-1 produces enzymes, B vitamins and a natural antibiotic that reduces harmful bacteria and helps to control yeast, specifically Candida albicans.

About UAS Laboratories and DDS® Probiotics

UAS Laboratories, Inc. located at 9953 Valley View Rd, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, USA 55344 (, is the leading probiotic company established by Dr. S.K. Dash, the probiotic pioneer in 1979. UAS Labs provides DDS® Probiotic supplements to stores, in the USA and other countries. It also provides private label probiotics and probiotic raw material. DDS Probiotics are backed by over 40 years of University research, U.S. patent and trademark and are listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference. Dr. Dash, president of UAS Laboratories, is International Probiotic Association’s (IPA) Vice President and Scientific Advisor. Dr. Dash has received many national and international awards and honors for his pioneering work in probiotics.

For more information Contact:
Connie Falkenstein, RD, MS, MPH
Director of Marketing/Education
[email protected]

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