Mineral Resources International, Inc. Believes Market Confusion Concerning Its Clinically Tested "elete Electrolyte Add-In™" Has Been Reduced Despite Dismissal of Its State Lawsuit
December 11, 2008
Mineral Resources International, Inc. (MRI), while disappointed that its lawsuit filed in Second District Court in Weber County, Utah against Trace Minerals Research, L.C. (TMR) for unfair competition, is very pleased however that it has now been able to partially accomplish its objective - namely, to receive public verification that TMR’s product known as “Endure” is significantly different from and has never been affiliated with MRI’s elete Electrolyte Add-In™ in any way.
To contact MRI, please call 1-800-731-7866. MRI’s web site is www.mineralresourcesint.com
About Mineral Resources International, Inc.:
Founded through a parent company formed in 1969 by the Anderson family, Mineral Resources International, Inc. (MRI) (www.mineralresourcesint.com) specializes in developing, manufacturing, and distributing noteworthy nutritional supplements in liquid, tablet, and powder delivery forms, integrating naturally occurring minerals and trace minerals harvested from Utah’s Great Salt Lake. Through its close relationship with NorthShore Limited Partnership, its exclusive supplier and the only government-inspected, food-grade, solar evaporation mineral harvester on the Great Salt Lake, MRI goes to great lengths to ensure an all-natural, GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) mineral and trace mineral product while maintaining consistent standardization, concentration, and balance in each lot. MRI manufactures a complete line of innovative dietary supplements ranging from multi-vitamins to targeted nutritional formulas using all-natural ionic minerals. In addition, MRI provides a complete portfolio of natural ionic mineral ingredients for use in supplements, functional beverages and foods. MRI’s products are sold worldwide through a variety of distribution channels including natural products and specialty retail stores, salons and estheticians, and natural health care practitioners.
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