The Ozempic effect: Upending nutrition and weight support categories – webinar
How the weight management category will change forever in the face of expanding nutritional needs due to new medications.
October 19, 2023
Date: Nov 9, 2023
Duration: 1 Hr
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Ozempic and similar medications are being used in new and different ways than originally intended, and the usage of these medications for weight loss is peripherally affecting sales of certain nutritional products. This weight loss phenomenon is driving sales of highly nutritive products to fill in the nutrition gaps as consumers seek a new normal.
Join Francine Schoenwetter, director of content marketing at Informa Health & Nutrition and Scott Dicker, marketing insights director at SPINS, as they discuss current trends in the weight management category, how this sensation is impacting supplementation and other product categories and how it is creating specific category opportunities going forward.
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Francine Schoenwetter
Director of Content Marketing, SupplySide, Informa Health & Nutrition
Scott Dicker
Market Insights Director, SPINS
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