Cancer Prevention Guide: HerbsCancer Prevention Guide: Herbs

July 31, 2001

1 Min Read
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Allium family
(chives, garlic, onion)
2 cloves garlic or 900 mg/day

The organic sulfides and polysulfides provide tumor protection. Garlic stimulates the immune system so it can destroy cancer cells and inhibit tumor cell metabolism.

Discuss use with doctor if you take coumadin, ginkgo or vitamin E.

Green tea
3 cups/day or 100-150 mg 3x/day

Tea's polyphenolics are antimutagenic. Studies have shown a protective effect against stomach and colon cancer.

Green tea can be taken as a tea or pill supplement; you can also use it in cooking.

200 mg/day or 1-2 g raw herb (preliminary studies have shown the extract and powder to be more effective than the fresh plant or teas).

The ginsenosides may work with the flavonoids, polysaccharides and polyacetylenes to provide cancer protection.

Discuss use with doctor if you take coumadin, MAO inhibitors, insulin or oral hypoglycemics.

Labiatae family
(basil, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, sweet savory, thyme)
Umbelliferae family
(anise, caraway, carrot, celery, chervil, cilantro, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, parsley)

Monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and flavonoids suppress tumor growth and are potent antioxidants.

Keep these herbs handy to add a cancer-protective kick to your cooking.

Zingiberaceae family
(turmeric, ginger)
400-600 mg 3x/day (turmeric) or use liberally in cooking

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that also has cancer-protective qualities.

Ginger, also an anti-inflammatory, alleviates nausea associated with chemotherapy and radiation.

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