Gender-specific supplementsGender-specific supplements

Bluebonnet Nutrition Targeted Multiples Ladies’ Choice: Dong quai, black cohosh, vitex, red clover, red raspberry, cranberry, and flax extracts support hormone and urinary tract health. Pomegranate, tomato, and green, white, and black tea extracts along with coenzyme Q10 provide free radical–fighting antioxidants to promote heart health and slow aging.
Natural Factors Ultimate Probiotic Women’s Formula: Probiotics help boost immunity and prevent urinary tract and vaginal infections, which can support healthy pregnancy (new findings also show probiotics may help women trim pounds off their waistlines after giving birth). Superstrength cranberry concentrate stops bacteria from sticking to the urinary wall’s surfaces, boosting infection protection.
Nordic Naturals Omega Woman: GLA from Evening Primrose Oil, along with DHA and EPA from cold water arctic fish, help ease PMS, mood swings, and hormone-related skin problems. This supplement also contains natural lemon oil, d-alpha tocopherol, and rosemary extract.
Real Food Organics Men’s Daily Nutrition: This multivitamin combines nutrient-rich fruit and vegetable complex with probiotic cultures. Boron increases vitamin D3 levels and calcium fructoborate (a carbohydrate mineral complex found naturally in fruits and vegetables) supports bone strength, joint mobility, and energy while balancing sex hormones. A complex of eight essential glyconutrients promotes immune function and aloe vera supports digestive health.
Source Naturals Men’s Life Force: An herbal complex, including saw palmetto and pygeum, promotes prostate and reproductive health, ashwagandha and panax ginseng maintain healthy libido, and wasabia japonica (wasabi) supports healthy liver and detoxification.
Sprunk-Jansen Masculine: Asafoetida seed and root extracts help increase a man’s libido, energy, and endurance, while reducing mental fatigue.
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