NIS14: The Roadmap Ahead - Emerging Consumer Product Categories and Techniques to Master ThemNIS14: The Roadmap Ahead - Emerging Consumer Product Categories and Techniques to Master Them
April 10, 2014
This presentation will clearly map the emerging consumer product categories and define the factors that support their growth. Mr. Leighton will use case studies to illustrate how to succeed through innovation and consumer relevance. This top-level analysis of the market will provide clear insight and marketing approaches that work. Gain fresh insight into what's coming. Dive deep into emerging consumer trends and product innovations for the life sciences, health, nutrition and functional foods markets to capture the growth oppoturtunities they present. Speaker Peter Leighton has been responsible for some of the most successful brands on the market, and brings nearly 30 years experience in consumer products, nutrition and biotechnology to this don't-miss session.
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