Top 11 trends shifting the way we see supplementsTop 11 trends shifting the way we see supplements
September 26, 2014

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Supplements continue to do leviathan work in filling nutrient gaps among consumers, just about none of whom actually get the full suite of recommended nutrients every day.
But these nutritional powerhouses do more than that (wink, wink) - because there's a difference between merely meeting the Daily Value, which after all is only the minimum amount required to prevent deficiency diseases from cropping up. Good nutrition taken at clinically relevant doses can actually improve the health of consumers.
And for those who just can't countenance popping a pill, no matter how magical it may be, supplements are leaving the capsule and tablet altogether. Here's what we saw from the revolution, as seen from the show floor of Natural Products Expo East 2014.
If your learning style tacks to the video, check out this 4-minute audio-visual extravaganza from the Baltimore Convention Center, home port of Natural Products Expo East, mateys.
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