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Weight-loss supplement picksWeight-loss supplement picks

NFM Staff

October 31, 2014

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Finding the magic pill to lose weight without the discomfort of effort is the secret desire of overweight Americans from coast to coast. Ever since the most magic pill of all—ephedra combined with aspirin and caffeine—was taken off the market by the Food and Drug Administration in 2004, the market has clamored for the next thing.

For 2013, weight loss pill sales grew at 11.6 percent, up from 10.4 percent the year before, according to Nutrition Business Journal. Lately, there has been a decline in product sales targeting weight management. According to product scan data from SPINS, supplement sales marketed for weight loss in the natural channel turned negative in June—exactly around the time Dr. Mehmet Oz got hauled up in front of Congress to testify on what were touted as his “weight-loss diet scams.”

Still, there are products that do their due diligence by providing modest weight-management solutions, in particular when combined with exercise, diet and even counseling. There. We said it.




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