5 types of images to add to your Amazon listing

When creating Amazon product pages for clients, I take advantage of these image options.

Caleb Harley, Associate Marketplace Manager

July 22, 2018

4 Min Read
5 types of images to add to your Amazon listing

When a customer starts their product search on Amazon, the first introduction they will have to any new product will always be the main image. On both mobile and desktop search pages, images are at the top of every listing. If you are able to give the customer enough information to convince them to click onto your product detail page, the eight-image slots Amazon gives you are above the fold on every device.

When creating an Amazon detail page, I try to always use and include at least one of each of these five types of product images to create brand awareness, help educate the consumer and convince them to buy the product.

1. Main product image

This is the most important image on Amazon because it is the image that will appear on every Amazon category or search page and is the first image that will appear when the customer clicks on your page. I have seen the best click-through rates when I use a clear product image—one that has less than 15 percent white space and clearly shows exactly what the consumer is purchasing. For example, if the customer is buying a 12-pack of protein bars, the best click-through rates are when I include both the protein bar in its packaging, along with the 12-pack box that it will come with.


2. Additional product images

The next group of images I always add is a series of images to help complete a 360-degree view of the product and packaging. Since the customer isn’t able to touch the product, adding these additional images can create an experience for the customer that feels like they are almost holding the product. It is important to try and highlight both the product’s packaging along with the product itself here so there is no surprise when they receive the product.


3. Ingredients

This is an image of the nutritional information and ingredients within the package and is a required image in the grocery and gourmet category. This is great for brands who really stand behind their ingredients and want to highlight them. You can make this a clear image that is longer than 1000px on one of the sides, which creates transparency and trust with the consumer. It allows the image to be zoomable so they can read all of the information on the page.


4. Lifestyle images

Using lifestyle images is a brand’s best opportunity to establish a brand voice within an Amazon listing. Using lifestyle images can be a great way to help establish a connection with your target demographics. A good rule of thumb here is that your product should always be front and center in these images. They can also help create a sense of scale with the size of your product, so the customer can have a better idea of the size of the item they are ordering. In your additional images Amazon lets you layer on text or graphics, so you can add some additional information here.


5. Infographics

This is my best opportunity for consumer education within the product listing. Some great infographics I have seen in the past typically highlight a product's benefits, certifications or uses. Even though texts and graphics are allowed on these images, I still try and limit the text I use on each image because customers will comprehend more of the information on the page if they don't have to zoom in to read all of the information. It is against Amazon’s policy to do any direct comparison to other brand’s products or highlight any customer reviews. But you can circumvent these rules by making broad statements if there is something you want to address.


By adding at least one of these five images, I have continually observed higher conversion rates on my listings, and lower return rates for the products because the customer is able to see exactly what they are purchasing.

Caleb Harley is an associate marketplace manager at Booyah Advertising in Denver, Colo., a full-service digital agency that grows local and international brands. The brand featured in the images is one of the agency's clients.

About the Author

Caleb Harley

Associate Marketplace Manager, Booyah Advertising

Caleb Harley is an associate marketplace manager at Booyah Advertising in Denver, Colo., a full service digital agency that grows local and international brands.

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