Soil to shelf: Celebrating farmer-owned CPG brandsSoil to shelf: Celebrating farmer-owned CPG brands

Natural and organic brands continue championing their connections to farms. Meet some that stick to sourcing from their own fields.

Douglas Brown, Senior Retail Reporter

October 24, 2023

9 Slides
CPG brands that own their own farms

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The farm-to-table movement first invited consumers—in this case, restaurant guests—to recognize the farmers responsible for the ribeye on the plate, the arugula in the salad and the raspberries topping the panna cotta. Now we encounter farm-to-bottle supplements, farm-to-can beverages, farm-to-bag snacks and many more iterations of farm-to-product celebrations.

In the case of consumer packaged goods, most farm connections have long revolved around transparent sourcing and collaborations. The chip manufacturer doesn’t grow the potatoes itself, but champions the local, organic farmer responsible for the spuds. But being one step removed from the farm doesn’t describe all CPGs that tout their sourcing bona fides. Sometimes, the brand runs its own farm to supply at least some (if not all) of its products’ ingredients.

Dairy farmers now craft and package yogurt, kefir and more from their own herds. An English non-alcoholic cordial brand grows its own elderflowers. A Vermont pasta brand raises chickens for the eggs it incorporates into its bucatini. It’s not exactly a rollicking movement. After all, owning a CPG is challenging enough, never mind the addition of operating a farm. But it’s happening, and it yields payoffs. These tight farm-product unions resonate with consumers who increasingly seek to know the ingredients in their foods. Brands that own their own farms enjoy considerable storytelling advantages that stand as key marketing differentiators.

What are some brands today that are supported by their own farms? Click through the gallery for an eclectic sampling of leaders in the space.

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About the Author

Douglas Brown

Senior Retail Reporter, New Hope Network

Douglas Brown has worked as a journalist for more than 30 years, covering everything from the White House and Capitol Hill to technology, crime, healthcare, business, and food and agriculture. He writes about all aspects of the natural and organic products industry for New Hope Network.

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