Ditch the fad diet, it doesn't work [infographic]Ditch the fad diet, it doesn't work [infographic]
![Ditch the fad diet, it doesn't work [infographic] Ditch the fad diet, it doesn't work [infographic]](https://eu-images.contentstack.com/v3/assets/blt09e5e63517a16184/blt2a3fb1fcb579f1e8/64e87e3af6f9b251bf7c390f/retrofit-diet-debunker-infographic-bottom_0.jpg?width=1280&auto=webp&quality=95&format=jpg&disable=upscale)
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How do you support customers trying these and other diets?
At some basic level, I think we all know that fad diets don’t work. Sure, in the short term you may notice your jeans getting a bit looser after trying Paleo, Atkins or Alkaline. Eating less processed foods, fewer calories and simply growing more conscious about what you’re consuming will inevitably cause a little weight loss. But if we’re talking about lifestyle changes for a sustainable, healthy future, chances are an organized diet won't fit the bill. Eat low fat? You might need more omega-3s. Too much protein, and your kidneys could suffer. Low carb, and your energy levels plummet.
This infographic scrutinizes a few popular diets and outlines their benefits and drawbacks. My takeaway? Balance!
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