Jackson's Honest: Get to know the soul of a natural products startupJackson's Honest: Get to know the soul of a natural products startup
Organic potato chip startup proves the power of video storytelling for authentic, mission-based brands.

Many natural products companies are started in response to a personal need or experience—often one that involves a family or children. These stories create powerful narratives for brands and, more importantly, provide the motivation that can keep an entrepreneur going—even during those extremely difficult first years of a company's life.
One of the most moving and authentic brand origin stories I've come across is for a relatively new company called Jackson's Honest, maker of organic potato chips. Jackson's Honest's chips are different from other potato chips in that they are fried in coconut oil, a healthier fat that the company's founders discovered in their quest to find foods that would help their disabled son.
The video below tells the story of Jackson's Honest and provides a glimpse into the soul of a small but growing natural products company.
If you're a natural products entrepreneur, this is a great example of the power of video storytelling for a mission-based brand. (Jackson's Honest Co-Founders Megan and Scott Reamer used the video to support it's successful $18,000 Kickstarter campaign.)
If you're a natural products retailer, Jackson's Honest is likely one brand you'll want to consider stocking in 2014.
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