10 Natural Products Expo West FAQs to help you prep for the big show10 Natural Products Expo West FAQs to help you prep for the big show
As you prepare to attend Natural Products Expo West review these tips to make everything easier. Don't forget your ID; take a look at the map; and read on for more helpful hints.
February 28, 2016

Where do I need my badge at Natural Products Expo West?
To ease traffic going in and out of the exhibit halls, you need to present a badge and ID to enter the Anaheim Convention Center, not the show floor. Look for the designated doors. Exhibitors and Super Pass holders have separate entrances. You will also need your badge to enter education sessions and on-site events. For badge pickup and registration locations, see the map below.
I’m driving my car to the Anaheim Convention Center. Where is the best place to park?
It will be extremely congested near the convention center and parking will be limited this year because of construction. To avoid the chaos, we recommend parking for free at nearby Angel Stadium. Free shuttles are available throughout the day from the stadium to the Anaheim Convention Center and back. To take the shuttle from the convention center to Angel Stadium, load near Katella Avenue (by the Arena). Bonus: Avoid on-site registration lines by printing your badge at Angel Stadium after you’ve parked.
Can I register additional teammates in Anaheim?
Yes. Full-service registration will be available at the Hilton and education upgrades are available at the Marriott. While this service is available, Expo West organizers recommend registering your staff before you arrive at the show to save time and avoid lines. If you do need to register someone on-site, don’t forget to bring valid business proof and identification (details at expowest.com).
How do I navigate the show floor?
The show floor is expansive, so it’s best to plan your route in advance. The Exhibitor List on the Expo West website is helpful as are show maps available on-site. With all of the new exhibitors, though, you might need reading glasses to navigate by map.
For ease, we recommend downloading the Natural Products Expo West/Engredea app for your phone or tablet. With the app, you can access the Exhibitor List, education schedule, events and navigation tool, all while on the go. Get the app at m.expowest.com.
Is it hard to find places to eat while at Natural Products Expo West?
There are restaurants nearby (think Cheesecake Factory, Anaheim Brewery, Joe’s Crabshack) but they fill up quickly. If you’re planning a dinner outing or team meal, call ahead and reserve space. If you need a quick bite to eat, the Hilton Food Court across from the convention center might satisfy your need.
I brought my children so we could go to amusement parks after the show. What options do I have for child care while I’m at the show?
Children 16 and younger are allowed to attend Natural Products Expo West but they require a children’s badge and adult supervision. The cost for a badge is $25. If you need child care on-site, this is also available for $25 a day. To register, print badges or check children in to child care, go to the Hilton, Lower Level.
Registration and badge pickup lines have been difficult in the past. Will it be easier this year?
Yes! Lots of new registration areas have been added across the Expo West campus. Three examples are the Arena Box Office, the Hyatt Hotel and Angel Stadium. Additionally, keep an eye out for mobile registration carts. If badge pickup lines get busy, we’ll roll these your way and scan your confirmation barcode to print your badge.
I love collecting product samples and bringing them home to try. How many am I allowed to take?
Attendees are limited to one sample bag per day. If you find that you’re getting too many samples to fit in one bag, encourage exhibitors to ship the samples to you. This way, you don’t have to lug bags of food on the airplane and you’ll make sure to have the exhibitor’s contact information if you plan to place an order post-show. If you still have more than one bag at the end of the day, don’t worry. We’ll donate the food to local food banks and charities so it will go to a good cause.
What are Natural Products Expo West essentials?
Water! Business cards. Expo West/Engredea App. Phone charger. Comfortable shoes. Snacks. NFM.
Is there anything new for Expo West 2016 I should know about?
The Hot Products pavilion in the Hilton has expanded this year. The exhibits will open a day before others and run March 10-12. If you see an “H” listed as a booth location, it means the exhibitor can be found in the Hilton. The Super Pass is also returning and daily education passes are launching. Even if you’ve already purchased a badge, you can log in to your registration account and upgrade your badge with one of these passes to get access to things like education sessions and a VIP Lounge with an electronics charging station.
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