Gencor Presents New Science showing Fat Reducing Activity of SLIMALUMAGencor Presents New Science showing Fat Reducing Activity of SLIMALUMA
June 26, 2007
The Second World Congress for Therapies Against Obesity, Anti-Obesity 2007, took place in the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, on June 14th and 15th 2007. Gencor Pacific presented new science on Slimaluma at the Congress, showing its activity on an Adipocyte cell line. The study was done by Bharatidasan University, India and the results were presented at the Congress by Dr. M.A. Akbarsha, Dean, School of Life Sciences.
Cell and molecular level studies have shown that SLIMALUMA inhibits differentiation of pre-adipocytes to adipocytes, thereby reducing formation of new fat cells and reducing formation of new adipose tissue. Further work on serum Leptin levels and MTT assay have validated these results, showing conclusive proof that SLIMALUMA is an excellent fat reducing agent. These new properties of Fat loss and activity on Leptin levels give a new thrust to SLIMALUMA's already proven Appetite Suppressing properties, making it a perfect tool for satiety, weight and fat management. The full data of this new research will soon be published in a reputed journal.
Gencor Pacific are continuing to do more work on SLIMALUMA to validate it's efficacy, safety and mechanisms of action. "SLIMALUMA will retain it's unique position in the science and research based ingredients field, as an ingredient with the most comprehensive science behind it " said Mr. Venkatesh, Managing Director of Gencor Pacific.
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