This year might mark turning point for meal replacement sales [graphic]This year might mark turning point for meal replacement sales [graphic]
This year could be the last of the downward trend for meal replacements. NBJ estimates for the next five years show a return to slow but respectable increases reaching 6.1 percent in 2020.
Nutrition Business Journal
December 15, 2015
1 Min Read
![This year might mark turning point for meal replacement sales [graphic] This year might mark turning point for meal replacement sales [graphic]](https://eu-images.contentstack.com/v3/assets/blt09e5e63517a16184/blt9829e3414874b70e/64e8847f7708ce24886b2ee7/meal-replacement-sales.jpg?width=1280&auto=webp&quality=95&format=jpg&disable=upscale)
The meal replacement category is currently searching for its next breakthrough and a better marketing message. Consumers appear to be shying away from the old direct weight-loss pitch and are looking more for products that promise overall health.
Current MLM weakness is weighing down this category the most.
Nonetheless, expect growth rates to outpace the average 2.7 percent rate of 2005-2009.
The above looks at meal replacement sales for five years and the estimates through 2020.
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