5@5: Ocean-to-table blockchain innovation | Healthy diets are better for the planet

Each day at 5 p.m. we collect the five top food and supplement headlines of the day, making it easy for you to catch up on today's most important natural products industry news.

October 29, 2019

2 Min Read

From ocean to table, via blockchain

Food Trust, a blockchain system from IBM, will soon be used by Nordic Inc. to give consumers detailed information on the origins of the seafood they buy. This software creates a digital tag for food products on each step of the sourcing and manufacturing process, making it easy for consumers to scan the barcode of the finished product and receive a complete biography of each ingredient within. Read more at The Boston Globe

Is a diet that's healthy for us also better for the planet? Most of the time, yes

In spite of the (rightful) controversy surrounding the environmental impact of healthy foods such as almonds and avocadoes, diets that are heavy on fruits, vegetables and nuts are still relatively better for the environment than diets filled with animal products. However, researchers noted that how animals are raised and caught makes a huge difference on the overall amount of greenhouse gases emitted. Read more at NPR

Institutional food has a sourcing problem. This coalition is trying to fix it

The Community Coalition for Real Meals recently delivered a petition to cafeteria operator Aramark with over 100,000 signatures demanding it begin participating in more sustainable and just food systems. The coalition's campaign targets "a system of contracts and kickbacks between dominant food corporations and the three largest foodservice management companies: Aramark, Sodexo and Compass Group." Read more at Civil Eats

Faulty study claims switching to organic agriculture increases greenhouse gases

A widely covered Nature Communications study indicated that the increased transition to organic agriculture in Wales and England would eventually result in more greenhouse gases being released into the atmostphere because of its reduced productivity when pitted against conventional agriculture. This myopic conclusion, however, fails to acknowledge that production needs can also be fulfilled in the future through reducing food waste and organic yields are increasing year over year. Read more at The Organic Center

A new startup called Pattern wants to make millennial burnout uncool

The marketing team behind millennial faves like SweetGreen and Everlane are pivoting to tackle the overwhelming, persistent stressful state better known as burnout. Pattern offers consumers brands that aim to inspire positive personal change, but whether a form of capitalism can help undo a problem that capitalism itself created is dubious. Read more at BuzzFeed News

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