5@5: Pesticide giant to phase out chlorpyrifos | Scientists revive ancient trees5@5: Pesticide giant to phase out chlorpyrifos | Scientists revive ancient trees

Each day at 5 p.m. we collect the five top food and supplement headlines of the day, making it easy for you to catch up on today's most important natural products industry news.

February 7, 2020

2 Min Read
5@5: Pesticide giant to phase out chlorpyrifos | Scientists revive ancient trees

Pesticide giant drops chlorpyrifos, following years of controversy, lawsuits and bans

Corteva Agriscience has plans to phase out its chlorpyrifos-based pesticide products by the end of 2020. The chemical has been linked to adverse health effects, including cognitive deficits in children, over the past decade. Read more at The Counter

Scientists revive ancient trees from 2,000-year-old seeds

Because we are so dependent on certain crops, increasing biodiversity will be paramount for the farmers of the future. Luckily, seeds as old as 2,000 years can be revived, as was recently proven by scientists who resurrected date seeds from the area where the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered. The dates from these trees will be identical to the ones that were eaten in the Bible. Read more at NPR

Chipotle experiments with cauliflower rice amid plant-based boom

While the chain has refrained from partnering with the likes of Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods, Chipotle is trialing new plant-based options on its menu including cauliflower rice. It also plans on incorporating black bean-based options for vegans and vegetarians who wish to up the protein of their meal. Read more at Bloomberg

Cornell researchers figured out how to reduce food waste: Add more grocery stores

A new study shows that increasing the amount of grocery stores in a given area "results in people buying smaller quantities of food more frequently, and therefore wasting less food." What this means is that city planning strategies could be a more effective way to curb the massive amount of food waste produced worldwide each year. Read more at Fast Company

The American Farm Bureau takes a step to shore up the struggling dairy market

The American Farm Bureau Federation has voted to support a farmer- and industry-led milk management system in order to stabilize milk prices. The first step, according to one expert, is to incentivize farmers to keep their milk production within profitable demand. Read more at Civil Eats

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