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Mother’s Market and Kitchen announces growth partnership with private equity firmMother’s Market and Kitchen announces growth partnership with private equity firm

February 10, 2016

2 Min Read
Mother’s Market and Kitchen announces growth partnership with private equity firm

The Mother’s Market and Kitchen family is proud to announce that it has partnered with Mill Road Capital, an investment firm that understands what we do and why.

Mother’s Market, a pioneer in organic and natural grocery stores, is blessed to serve Orange County with seven stores. Since our beginning in 1978, we have been inundated with requests to have Mother’s stores and excellence in products and service represented in more cities, counties and states. 

Over the last year, the founding shareholders and board of directors carefully considered how Mother’s Market and Kitchen might grow and who might help us.  Our intention is to preserve all that is wonderful about Mother’s and add the kind of expertise and experience that will allow growth and continue the culture that our customers, employees, vendors and communities have embraced for 38 years. 

Mother’s brings choice and depth of selection in organic, vegetarian and vegan, non-GMO, allergen-free, raw and local foods and related lifestyle products. We are committed to quality at the best possible price. Mother’s provides free educational seminars and supports local schools, clubs, churches and charities. These are just some of the reasons that our customers say, “I love Mother’s!”

Mill Road is committed to partnering with socially conscious and environmentally sustainable businesses. Over the last decade, Mill Road has partnered with PRT Growing Services which has planted 3 billion trees in the fight against greenhouse gases and global warming, Galaxy Nutritional Foods an innovator in healthful foods supporting vegan and vegetarian lifestyles, Rubio’s Restaurants, a champion of sustainable seafood practices and ocean clean-up efforts, and Gaiam Inc., a leading promoter of yoga, fitness and wellness.

Mother’s founder and leader, Bruce Macgurn, was instrumental in the process of selecting a partner who would shepherd Mother’s into the future. Macgurn mentored a leadership team that will continue to lead Mother’s. He was excited about the prospect of more stores and the opportunities this would bring to employees and the opportunity to grow healthy options for customers. After a brief but debilitating illness, Macgurn passed away on Nov. 24, 2015. While we are sad that he won’t be here to see the bright future of Mother’s, we are filled with gratitude that he was so devoted to the Mother’s Market and Kitchen mission: Manifesting Truth, Beauty and Goodness in the context of a natural foods store. His life and leadership was a gift that will continue to give to all who love Mother’s Market and Kitchen. 

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